curated street library

The Curated Street Library came from the overload of great books that currently can’t find a home. Many contain great ideas.
If we can’t find the space or relevance for these good ideas then the CSL seeks to inspire the discovery and discussion that some books/ideas can achieve.
Regular 'curators' will stock the CSL with their books that are seeking new owners and an opening will be created where the ideas and passion are explained. Books may well go to new places, the ideas may also travel freely. Local knowledge and vision that elevates art within the community.
Located in Heathfield st. - the front yard of Ray Barbers office, the CSL seeks to be accessible to community and invites proposals from curators.
contact - johnxfuller@gmail (dot) com
Housing - Dreams and Realities
Curator Melissa Morris January 2022
This collection of books in the Curated Street Library came from my studies and interest in environmental science and urban and regional planning. They were collected in the early
There are a range of nonfiction and fiction and books relating to housing access, housing organisation (cities), and life in Australian cities – largely written by female authors.
One book written “Women over Sixty” contains interviews with women living in public housing, private rental, private housing, and nursing homes to document their experiences in these different
forms of housing tenure.
The book identified that the housing experiences of older women and men were different, and that agencies/government should collect sex disaggregated data to inform policy and programs to take
into accounts the different needs, life experiences, and opportunities. Many older women continue to face housing insecurity are the fastest growing group of people experiencing homelessness in
I now work in gender equality and prevention of violence against women. In Victoria where I live, the State Government have introduced the Gender Equality Act 2021, the first in
Australia, which requires governments, Council’s, and public agencies to undertake gender impact assessments using sex disaggregated data when they are developing or reviewing policies, programs
or services that affected the community. Looking through the books in this collection reminded me how long it takes for change to happen and how we need to continue to work collectively to make
this occur.
Growing Nutrition
Curator Dorothy Hookway April 2022
Books Chosen – Every Women’s Book by Paavo Airola
Women’s Body Women’s Wisdom by Dr Christiane Northrup
These two books arrived in my life in the early 1980’s. They are practical books that cover all the different stages of a Women’s life.
I kept them because the information contained in their pages is timeless & I still refer to them today. The emphasis in these books is nutrition exercise & mental wellbeing.
The first Curated Street Library by Melissa highlighted the continuing problem of Women’s housing. It was identified by John & myself that a Women’s theme was emerging and I decided to speak of Women in the local area that are involved in the production and management of food in different ways.
My friend Georgia cultivates a quarter of an acre of land and produces enough food to supply a restaurant and sell vegetable boxes to the public. This is a mighty effort for a young woman to achieve. Georgia explained to me that there is a drastic reduction in the nutritional content of food 6 hours after it is picked. This highlights how important it is to access locally produced fresh food for optimal health.
I have also been made aware of an organisation called Ozharvest. Their main activity is collecting food that is destined to be dumped, from Farmers Markets,
Bakeries and Supermarkets. These resources are then converted to meals for the Salvation Army, Nambour Community Centre and Urban Angels to provide for the homeless and poor of our local area.
The last Women I wish to speak of is Emily from Yandina Community Gardens. She has developed a Compost Loop with the local businesses in Yandina. Coffee grinds and food waste are collected from local restaurants and turned into compost. It is now available for locals to use on their gardens and enhance their soils nutrients. Emily’s efforts have proved that this is possible and it is an excellent example for other communities to follow.
These projects are all happening because of the efforts of young Women who understand the importance of producing food, making food available to those in need and enhancing the quality of our soil to make our food more nutritious.