coolum terrace park planter box concept 2022
below is a proposal for a community 'sponsored' planter box for coolum tce park. a meeting on site for community to discuss and explore is proposed for 9am sunday 20th march 2022. please join for caf, cake and discussion if you would like to contribute to this concept.

image - proposed planter box
Coolum Tce. Park is a fabulous pocket park that provides great views, good pedestrian connections and access.
While there is a seat in the centre of the park, the area would benefit from more shade with
seating in the shade.
Currently there is a road block sign at the northern end. Some trees planted in the spot where the sign is would provide shade and could link with the existing vegetation to provide a
‘tree tunnel’ - a beautiful shady entrance to the park.
As a concept, a large planter box, approx 2.4 x 1m x 60cm high, in this position would allow planting of 2-3 trees for shade and would also provide seating around the outer edge. The planter box can be ‘temporary’, if deemed to be a problem, it can be removed.